If this is Paradise, I wish I had a lawn-mower. Ryan's blog, musings on transportation, Jersey City, transportation, sports and technology

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Double Coupons

Originally uploaded by pdcryan.
Check out the two supermarket register coupons (the ones they hand you after you pay) in the picture. Just so you don't have to look too closely - they're both exactly the same. $1 off teriyaki sauce, veggie burgers and then some kind of veggie cheese steak product (I won't even begin to guess what that is).

With all of the bonus-club-card consumer tracking, I wouldn't be too surprised that I'd get two identical coupon sheets on two different trips. The problem is... these two coupon sheets are from two different markets, in two different towns! One is an A&P and the other, Stop&Shop. That latter shopping trip involved use of a brand new bonus tracking card that we got today.

Either all of these stores outsource their coupon printing to the same company and they just give you these 3 coupons if you buy veggie burgers - or the matrix has me... bad.


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