If this is Paradise, I wish I had a lawn-mower. Ryan's blog, musings on transportation, Jersey City, transportation, sports and technology

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Transit Money

Today's Jersey Journal has an article about Hudson county's "big share" of North Jersey transportation dollars. Of special interest was money for another Bergen Arches study - something that has been studied to death already. If all the money from all the studies were put together they could build the damn project and still have money left over. I'd love to see what percentage of NJ transportation dollars go to consultants and studies (TEA-21 could be known as the no consultant left behind act) and if these guys really do get all of the NJ consulting jobs. Seriously, try to find a report or impact statement not authored by them.

The article also points to the Newark City Subway expansion as being an important Hudson county project. Maybe somebody should point out to the NJTPA that Newark is not in Hudson county.


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