If this is Paradise, I wish I had a lawn-mower. Ryan's blog, musings on transportation, Jersey City, transportation, sports and technology

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Fun Christmas Link

Thanks to the time-killers over at bored.com I found this link. Click through and you can create a fun customized Christmas song with a bunch of "zany" parameters. Mary and I had a lot of fun with it yesterday.

Because I just finished my internet law exam and listened to today's engadget PodCast (for those of you who don't know... PodCasts are homemade time-shifted radio shows distributed over the internet) and I'm in a fight-the-copyright-powers-that-be mood - let me suggest you use a streamripping or similar program to capture the audio to an MP3 or ACC file free and clear. For the Mac users I suggest sunflower. Windows users, I suggest you become Mac users.

On another note - I'm going to try playing with adding Google adwords to my site. I've love to hear people's opinions on blog advertising. I'm more curious about how it works than interested in making money (because I know I really won't get a dime).


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