If this is Paradise, I wish I had a lawn-mower. Ryan's blog, musings on transportation, Jersey City, transportation, sports and technology

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Greetings from the NJTurnpike

Greetings from the NJTurnpike
Originally uploaded by pdcryan.
I'm on my way back from Philadellphia for the weekend. There's some traffic on the Turnpike... but we're really not sure what the traffic is from... personaly I think the only trouble is from drivers reacting to the stupid Turnpike signs "informing" us about the traffic... "oh, there's traffic ahead? Better slow down." Without fail, the congestion clears up as soon as every one forgets about the stupid signs.

Today these signs are the cause of, and solution to, all of our traffic problems.


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