If this is Paradise, I wish I had a lawn-mower. Ryan's blog, musings on transportation, Jersey City, transportation, sports and technology

Sunday, May 08, 2005

In Xanado did Kubla Khan...

In Xanado did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree :
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.

Okay... maybe not - but the new "Xanadu" in the meadowlands is under construction and back in the news. The latest twist is a proposed extension of the HiBLeR to the project (in addition to the DMU link from Hoboken terminal through Secaucus Junction along the Pascack Valley Line). NJARP government process agent (lobbyist) and former Assemblywoman Rose Heck has some nice quotes in the article (you might remember her from her Senate bid against Joe Coniglio, who ran a series of radio attack ads against her impersonating Arnold Schwarzenegger).

I'm always all in favor of more mass transportation - but let's build what we've already got planned - or better yet, have the developers pay for it.


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